標題: 線性城市 Linear City - 中國未來的新長城 [打印本頁]

線性城市:綠洲    Linear City - Oasis
設計者    Designer:Jerry Crystal YU

Nowadays, population grows ceaselessly. The world population will increase to 9 billion by 2050. We will have to live in a much crowded world if no feasible solution is introduced.

Taller buildings, vertical cities or other city complexes may be good ideas as well, however a lot of resources will be needed to let these cities grow taller and taller. Safety problem is also a big concern in vertical cities. Linear city, however, can solve the problem of living while allowing people to build a city to contain much more people while no tall buildings are needed, and the work of evacuation will also be much easier when disaster happens.

Linear city, as what it is named, is a city with linear shape. It does not like any ordinary cities which distinct districts with distinct functions combine, and roads and railways pass through to link these zones. All facilities and ultilities are allocated in different places along the linear city, therefore the number of roads and railways can be minimized.


It is not a totally new concept. In fact, it has been implemented for decades. However, so far, not so many people hear about this term.

線性城市,其實是一種高度整合的城市綜合體(City Complex)。目前,世界上比較成功的城市綜合體,當屬日本東京的六本木之丘和中城。線性城市雖然同為城市綜合體,但其主要是橫向發展,而不是縱向發展。然而未來的線性城市亦會向這些前衛建筑先輩們學習長處。
Linear city is a kind of city complexes which is highed integrated. There are several successful city complexes so fat, including Roppongi Hills and Midtown in Tokyo, Japan. Though linear city is one kind of city complexes, it mainly grows horizontally instead of vertically. Their successful experiences will be learnt by the future linear city, however.


In ancient China, the prototype of linear city was built - the Great Wall. Soilders moved, worked and lived along the Great Wall when warfare existed. The linear city in the future will be a place for all people to live, to work and to entertain.


My design is for some areas in China, where sandstorms exist. Abundant sunlight and wind power provide an ideal place to build an enclosed city, where PV glasses and wind turbines will be built to generate electricity.


This city is 110 metres tall, 180 metres wide, and its length will be changed if needed.


You may find that a large piece of glass roof is installed so that sunlights may be collected. This roof can be opened if needed, and be closed to protect the citizens if sand storm is coming. This roof may be cancelled if the environmental condition is better, e.g. no sandstorms. The outer wall of the city is covered with PV glasses so that solar power is valid for being generated.


As a symmetric city, the functions of both sides are much similar. This can help to reduce the cost of design and construction. From top to bottom, there exist residential areas, official areas and parks which also perform as a fire-proof level. Parks are set at the middle level. Inside the city, parks and transrapid trains will provide a comfortable and convinient living environment. They are located at the middle part of the city, where a large empty space exists to let sunlight shine even inside the city.


Metros, slow trams(it is a kind of non-stop slow moving trains which allow passengers to embark and disembark at any time)and high speed trains. Dozens of elevators will be built to provide the best evacuation solution for all inhabitants. Unlike the traditional elevators, they can move in multi-directions, and electromagnetic drive(linear motor)will replace the belt.

The whole city can elongate when the population grows, and the use of solar and wind energy will let it possible to build a green and ecological city.


To make it self-sufficient, industrial and agricultural zones may be built.


Though linear cities are linear, they can still intercept with others to produce a city network. Still, the independence of any single city will not be damaged.

If you have any question about my linear city project, or are interested in it, please contact me via email:


這是高度發展的城市中, 計畫出來的社區焦點吧.

例如荷里活, 邁阿密, 拉斯維加斯....以至銅鑼灣, 北京王府井.
建造City Complex很需要一個發展空間的條件, 例如西九龍, 舊啟德機場, 浦東等,
承諾了人流焦點, 旅遊熱選, 會很適當.

如果水準低一檔的城鎮,  或本身有足夠的城市空間, 負擔不起這建設密度, 運作成本, 如果City COmplex不是活力焦點, 那千篇一律的人造室內城市(沒頂棚版本), 沉悶窒息感是很大的.
你看, 東京, 邁阿密其實很大部分是平房, HOUSE, 出門都是廣闊道路空間.

例如如果某地會辦一屆世界搏覽會,  預建一個線性搏覽城會是一個很好的試點契機.

另一個大型試點契機, 可能等久一些, 在殖民星球建造.
但到時能源, 生態循環, 輻射保護, 空港建設要求很高, 那是一個升級版.

123Go 發表於 2011-1-3 14:36
這是高度發展的城市中, 計畫出來的社區焦點吧.

例如荷里活, 邁阿密, 拉斯維加斯....以至銅鑼灣, 北京王府 ...



燕南天 發表於 2011-7-17 17:05
