David Brown - Electronic Government and Public Administration.pdf
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Electronic government encompasses all government roles and activities, shaped by information and communications technologies (ICTs). Going well beyond analogies to e-commerce, it encompasses the four domains of governance and public administration: the state’s economic and social programs; its relationships with the citizen and the rule of law (e-democracy), its internal operations and its relationship with the international environment. E-government builds on three evolving forces: technology, management concepts and government itself. It has given rise to several phenomena that are redefining the public sector environment, including the International Institute of Administrative Sciences. Four aspects of e-government have lasting impacts on public administration: citizen-centered service, information as a public resource, new skills and working relationships, and accountability and management models. The challenges of e-government are even more acute in developing countries, although it also offers solutions. Public administration in all countries requires new thinking and leadership to ensure that e-government realizes its full potential.