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發表於 2012-1-3 13:08:19 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽
us • Tampa, Florida • 2 days 10 hrs ago
Why invest money in your own infrastructure and new technologies?, screw improving the quality of life for your citizens when you can spend trillions on foolish wars and give the rest away to undeserving countries, wake up America, take your #$%$ country back!!!!
為什麽把錢投資在你們自己的基礎建設和新技術開發上?(原文如此,是不是少了個not?)改善你們的公民的生活質量,當你可以把大量地錢財耗費在愚蠢的戰爭上並將剩下的錢給那些無關的國家。醒醒吧美國人,恢復你#$%$ 的國家!(#$%$是富裕麽?)

• Thomas 2 days 12 hrs ago
They're developing trains that go 375mph while we can barely keep Amtrak operating, much less on time. Hmmmm.

Mik S • Cleveland, Ohio • 2 days 10 hrs ago
could you imagine new york to la in like 15 hrs amazing

• EL 2 days 9 hrs ago
I rode twice on the Chinese high speed train for about 1 hour each time an speed up to 200 miles per hour, at a cost of about $20. I enjoyed it. It was better than air travel, more room and without the security hassle.
I wish it would be available in our country. Unfortunately, it will not and not because we are not smart enough, it's because our political system, inefficient and corrupted.

John A • Newark, New Jersey • 2 days 11 hrs ago
I've ridden the HSR from Putian to Xiamen, China. Business Class seat $6.00 usd. Smooth as glass, quiet. Our US trains systems are stone age in comparison and ridiculously over priced.

• 2012 Armageddon 2 days 10 hrs ago
Why on earth would the U.S. build something that is efficient and fast? The U.S. will jump on technology that would cost twice as much and three times longer to build. The U.S. has the most debt in the history of mankind, you don't get that title by being efficient.

• Dahong Palay 2 days 8 hrs ago
Speed trains will ruin the airline industry, that's the reason why US is hesitant to build high speed trains. Big corporations rules in this country. If high speed train will travel from San Francisco to Los Angeles in a matter of two hours and airplane about an hour plus an extra hour of staying at the airport, train is more practical with a sightseeing view....agree???

• CHARLES L • Nashville, Tennessee • 2 days 2 hrs ago
why don't we have china build us a train, the make evereything else that's sold in this country.

• QVC 2 days 10 hrs ago
I was just in Japan and took its trains. The Japanese trains were amazing; clean, efficient, and on time (I have an atomic watch and the trains run with in 1-2 seconds). I have also ridden Chinese mag-lev trains...wow!

• Ahmad • Nantong, China • 2 days 11 hrs ago
I am enjoying traveling in one of those trains and it is totally amazing and luxury and feels like you are traveling in a spaceship :-)

• ScubaGuyVic • Miami, Florida • 2 days 9 hrs ago
It is so painfully obvious that we are on the fast track "backwards" !!

PaulN • Fresno, California • 2 days 6 hrs ago
China is the next super power unless we start investing in new technology and take risks like them!

CC • Elmhurst, Illinois • 2 days 12 hrs ago
Safety is obviously important, but seriously, the article implies that China is suffering from unique problems all due to fast rail service. We actually have lots of train collisions in the U.S. (more than China) with our slow outdated trains.

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